Social Check In

Hello friends!

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I know its been a while since I’ve had anything to post. My boyfriend and I have been pretty busy and work has been crazy so we haven’t had time to go exploring the past couple weeks. But hopefully that changes soon!

Typically our week nights are spent catching up on tv shows or renting movies to fall asleep too. AND with my ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE coming out- in 9 DAYS to be exact 🙂 I figured I’d make a list of my “current tv/movie obsessions” and ask you about yours!

SO that EPIC movie of mine- Pirate’s of the Caribbean- the 5th one comes out May 26th and I’ve literally had a countdown running for the past year. I am SO excited!


But until then, we’ll talk tv. Below is a list of my current tv obsessions. Do we share any in common??

Talking TV

  • Once Upon a Time: (On ABC) The Season 6 finale was this past Sunday and holy cow. It was so bittersweet for me! One of my best friends, Vanessa, got me addicted to this show after I reluctantly refused to watch it due to (some) of my stubbornness in accepting/allowing any Disney classic to be messed around with.  I finally caved about 3 seasons in, binged, and sure enough became obsessed. And now; ONCE is over as I know it. A lot of main characters are not returning for Season 7 which worries me a little bit about the future of the show. If you need a reason to watch the show; goggle Captain Hook in ONCE and that should be all the reason you need!
  • Pretty Little Liars: (On Freeform)Okay, so this one I’m half in/half out to be honest. I’ve watched this show since it started (hello high school) and went through the ups and downs of the show. I stayed loyal even when most my friends got over it and stopped watching. Now it’s in it’s final season so I feel like I can’t stop watching now, I mean I’ve stuck with it this long, right?
  • First Dates: (On NBC) This is a new show produced by Ellen Degeneres and Joey and I are obsessed with it! They set up couples on actual blind dates and at the end of the date, bring the couples in to ask if there will be a second date. Some are so cute and actually work out!
  • Shark Tank: (On ABC)We’ve been pretty avid Shark Tank fans for a while. It’s always interesting to see what inventions people are coming up with and/or already selling.
  • The Santa Clarita Diet: This is on Netflix! And so funny! I’ve never really been a big Drew Barrymore fan but she’s so likable in this show. I couldn’t get Joey into it, so this one might be one for the girls!
  • The Office: (Netflix) I mean, this show will literally never get old. Joey and I both fall asleep with the tv on, I’m one of those people who can’t sleep when its too quiet. So we just let this roll as we fall asleep!


Are you guys watching any good tv shows?? I’ve heard good things about How to Get Away with Murder but have yet to start it!

Happy Wednesday!



IG: amandac_smith


  1. Your excitement for Pirate’s of the Caribbean movie is too cute. When we heard that they’re coming out with the 5th movie, my boyfriend and I were like, there was a 4th one? We’ve only seen up to #3. 😳
    I don’t watch tv shows but the last movie we saw was Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. Have you seen the first one? If not, I suggest that one first. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh no! lol you’ve got to watch the fourth! Granted it is pretty long. But still AMAZING :))) We havent seen Guardians 2 yet, but we loved the first one! We actually have the soundtrack on vinyl for our record player lol. I cant wait to see Vol. 2


  2. I actually loved PLL a lot. I watched all the seasons on Netflix last summer so it has like a memory for me. It was also the first show I watched on Netflix ever! I liked the beginning of the series more than the later seasons actually. Thank you for sharing your favorite shows! I’d actually really love to watch Once Upon A Time now!! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • You have to watch it! It’s so good and addicting! The first couple seasons they do a good job with hinting at what disney character they’re introducing without actually telling you fully. So it was fun to kinda guess who it was while the show was going.

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  3. I watch so many tv shows, it’s a surprise I can get anything else done. Right now my favorites are Jane the Virgin, Brooklyn Nine Nine, The Get Down, and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.


  4. I’ve kept up with PLL and OUaT, and like you said, I feel like I’ve made it this far so I don’t want to give up. The Santa Clarita Diet was cute. I will for sure watch the second season when it comes out. How to Get Away with Murder was really good in the first season, but went down hill fast in the second season in my opinion; I stopped watching it in fact. If you want to watch a ridiculously stupid, but funny show, I suggest Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt. Netflix has 2 seasons currently, but a third season is coming out soon.

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  5. Total PLL fan even though I tend to fall asleep to that one so I miss a bunch of things and then get confused whose working with A etc lol I also LOVE The Office a true classic! Jim and Pam just do it for me! A good Netflix series I love is GirlBoss (although I’m not sure that Joey would be all that thrilled- but who knows!) I never been a Drew Barrymore fan either so I stayed away from the show but if you feel the same way about her than I may have it give it a shot! Idk if you guys have HBO but Big Little Lies (may be another not Joey friendly show lol) or Silicon Valley!

    xo, JJ

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol, not going to lie, with PLL I totally get lost sometimes too! I’ve seen Girl Boss pop up on my Netflix que a couple of times but just havent watched it yet! I’ll have to check it out! We don’t have HBO 😦 but I’m dying to watch Big Little Lies, I love Nicole Kidman!

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  6. Shark Tank is my favorite show! When I read other posts by bloggers for favorite shows, Shark Tank would unfortunately never show up. My favorite Sharks are Mark and Barbara. How about you?


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