Weekend Review

Happy Monday friends!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I sure did! Friday night we went out to dinner and a movie with Joey’s parents. Has anyone seen Patriot’s Day? It was a great movie, I won’t give anything away but it’s about the Boston Marathon bombings and Mark Wahlberg isĀ brilliantĀ in it. Saturday we spent the day with my parents. My dad took Joey and I on an AMAZING bike ride through the Santa Rosa Mountains in Camarillo.




I’ve been running here with my dad before but have never seen it so green (thanks to that 5 year drought California’s been dealing with). But the past month, we’ve had SO much rain that the mountains and hills are turning green again and the creeks are actually flowing. I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite sounds is water flowing and rain falling, so riding bikes along side a creek full of water was a dream come true.

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Sunday, thanks to a HUGE storm passing through, was spent cuddled in bed watching a plethora of movies as the rain fell outside, literallyĀ all day.Ā 

This week is my love’s birthday so we’ve got a lot planned! Finally looking into doing an Escape Room with friends and a trip to Yosemite this weekend. Hope everyone has a great week!

Also, this week- let’s get social! I’d love to follow some of your Instagram accounts!

Send me a follow- @amandac_smith and I’ll be sure to follow back!

Or comment your username below and I’ll find yours! šŸ™‚

What’d everyone else do this weekend?




  1. You are so adventurous and active, so inspiring!!! I started to watch Patriots Day and it started giving me anxiety seeing the aftermath of it, it was tough to watch for me. Totally jealous that your gonna go the Escape Room, I’m dying to gather a little group to do it too. You’ll have to post about it if you guys get around to doing it!!!

    xo, JJ

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