Quarantine Things

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Hi friends,

I hope everyone is safely home, staying inside during these crazy and quite honestly, scary times. This next week will be my first week of quarantining. The healthcare clinic I work at is semi-shutting down-  we’re only seeing emergency patients during this next week and limiting the number of staff that are in the clinic each day. This leaves me home until the doctor I specifically work for, sees his emergency patients on Thursday.

SO in lieu of this, I made a little list of things that I’ll be filling my days with. My husband is able to work from home so he is still very much having a “normal” work day/week. Which means I’ll be doing my best not to be a distraction (we’ll see how that goes lol).

Here’s my list (so far) of things to do! What are you doing to pass the time while you’re quarantined at home?

+ Go through and clean closet and dresser: What can be donated?

+ Design and clean our patio space: Get rid of the succulents I couldn’t manage to keep alive (awk). 

+ 1 hour of Spanish lessons via Rosetta Stone a day (this will be my 3rd time trying to get through the program)

+ Read 1 hour of every day: this should help with me achieve my New Year’s Resolutions goals quicker than anticipated. 

+ Plan Honeymoon down to the most minuet details: our Honeymoon has been put on hold indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SO, what better time to really plan our trip down to the nitty gritty details. 

+ 1 hour of exercise daily.  I genuinely LOVE running outdoors. I think I inherited this from my dad, who is an avid runner. I’ve always loved running and used to run 4-8 miles a day when we lived in Miami and I had more free time. Since moving to Orange County, I’ve been pretty limited to treadmill runs after work (when the sun is no longer out) or weekend runs outdoors when my hubby can run with me. I refuse to run solo and at night, just for safety precautions. SO this week, I’m going to be running outdoors during my husband’s “lunch breaks” and then plan on doing some indoor yoga/weight training as well. 

+ Finish a puzzle. I have a TON of puzzles that we’ve yet to do- so I have a goal to finish at least one of them with the extra time!

+ Go through makeup closet: toss any expired makeup and/or products I didn’t like. I will be throwing together a post on my makeup closet when I get to this!

Well, what are you doing to pass the time? I’d love to hear how you’re doing in the comments! ∨∨∨∨∨∨






  1. I’ve been quarantined by my boss since I just came back from a cruise, which breaks my heart. Working for the health dept. and going through extensive training for events just like this, then not being about to help out is crushing!

    Last week in between emails, I did a TON of yard work prepping for this season. I still need to mow (I’m putting it off as long as possible ’cause once you start…), but a lot of my old dead plants are now cleared, ready for some new growth. I also planted some flowers, so hopefully I’ll have some pretty colors in the front yard come summer time.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m so sorry to hear that! The same thing happened to my sister. She came back from Europe the week they started closing all the borders and has been quarantined and not allowed to go back to work the past 2 weeks.

      That sounds like a lovely way to spend your time! I hope you have the most beautiful flowers come summertime! Yesterday I went and threw out all my succulents from the patio and now I have no idea what to do with my empty pots lol

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not really a workout type of person, more like a catpotato, but ever since the pandemic we are basically stuck at home, your lists are really helpful/ I’ll try to do some exercise and reading in an hour.

    Keep up the good posts and stay safe! ✨

    Liked by 1 person

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